Mission and our values

Our Vision

"Psychiatric disabilities should not prevent anyone from leading a meaningful and productive life."

Our Mission

"To provide our clients with comprehensive and integrated medical health services that address the challenges they face daily, including housing, income, education, employment, social support, family support, substance use, health-maintenance skills and medication management."

Our clients deserve full enfranchisement at all levels of the mental health system:

  • adequate representation in policymaking bodies and governing boards throughout the service delivery system.
  • services that are guided by and supportive of clients’ goals and preferences.
  • mental health services that are integrated, coordinated, flexible and comprehensive and respond effectively to clients’ varied goals and preferences.
  • comprehensive programming to address their goals in these areas: housing, income, education, employment, social and family support, substance use, medication, and health management.
  • adequate coordination among conservators and service providers, such as Sacramento Mental Health Treatment Center, Consumers Self-Help centers, Crossroads, Social Security, substance abuse programs, and vocational rehabilitation.
  • programming that is responsive to the needs of families; families should have active roles in policy and program development and service delivery.
  • programming that is responsive to the ethnic and cultural diversity of our community; staffing and board and committee membership should reflect that diversity.
  • acknowledgement of their experience of living with their disability, as well as with the stigma they face in dealing with the mental health system.